There are a lot of tips out there regarding what you should do when it comes time to sell, but today I’d like to highlight a few things sellers shouldn’t do. Let’s take a look at the four major mistakes you should avoid when listing.
1. Pricing too high. Overpricing your home will cause it to sit on the market for an extended period of time, and will likely cause you to lose money in the long run. You’re far better off working with an experienced agent who can help you set a fair price. Doing so will be the key to earning top dollar.
2. Not making any home improvements before selling. A car dealership wouldn’t try to sell a vehicle without cleaning it up first, and sellers should take the same approach to listing their home. You should always clean, declutter, and depersonalize your home before putting it on the market.
3. Using insufficient marketing. A low level of exposure can greatly damage your listing’s potential, so make sure your Realtor is devoting enough time and energy into drawing buyers toward your home.
4. Not following your Realtor’s advice. Many sellers believe that they know best. But watching HGTV or doing research on Google isn’t the same as being an experienced, knowledgeable agent. When it comes time to sell, always listen to your agent’s input.
If you have any other questions or would like more information, please feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.