I’m joined today by the owner of Cameo Homes, Don Farek, who will be telling us how he got started in the business of home building. With a career spanning over 40 years, he has plenty to share. To hear our conversation, watch the video above.
His story
Don was working for a lumberyard in Waco and there was another lumberyard in Killeen, along with a home building branch called Cameo Homes. They told Don they were having trouble with home building and were looking for someone to help run things. Don obliged and was told he’d be moving up quickly, as the person in charge was soon to be leaving. In 1977, the ownership of the lumberyards split and Don was given the opportunity to own the Cameo Homes company. Needless to say, he bought it.
Where he first began building
Don originally built throughout the northeast part of Killeen, but his first subdivision was in Pershing Park. Building opportunities continued to spread, including areas like Santa Rosa Terrace and Skyline.
What keeps him passionate about building
Simply put, he enjoys it. Things have changed since when he began, with the properties built growing in both size and frequency of construction. Where new homes would cost around $14,000 back then, the homes built now are closer to $500,000. In his time as a home builder, he’s been able to see the area grow tremendously.
See what Cameo Homes has to offer you by visiting www.cameohomesdf.com.